Welcome to my online studio!
No matter what your starting point is, I help you create your very own Critical Alignment Yoga studio in the comfort of your home, or on the go. Stream my Zoom or on-demand video classes on your smart phone, tablet, laptop or TV!
About me
Hi, my name is Kader, your online Critical Alignment yoga teacher. I help people regain their natural health & joy, a relaxed body & mind, using Critical Alignment Yoga. I live in beautiful Amsterdam, with my wife and two sons. I have a master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence and have been working as a business analyst mainly in the financial sector.
I was introduced to Critical Alignment Yoga in 2003 when I had been looking for a solution for my complaints to neck and arm for some time. The rational approach and anatomical precision that characterize Critical Alignment really appealed to me. When I noticed improvement already after a few classes, I knew I had “discovered” something beautiful.
Years of practice later, I decided to do the teacher training (3.5 years), at the Critical Alignment Yoga Institute in Amsterdam, under the guidance of Gert van Leeuwen (founder of the method). I completed it the training 2016 and the Critical Alignment Therapy training in 2017.
After teaching in studios in Amsterdam for a number of years, I started teaching online classes in Dutch in 2020. Wishing to reach more people, I decided to start this studio in January 2022. I will gradually add new live Zoom classes and on-demand videos on the go. My goal is to introduce as many people as possible to Critical Alignment Yoga. More Critical Alignment Yoga = less stress = a better world!
Let’s connect
If you have any questions about this studio, or need help with your home practice, don’t hesitate to reach out. Happy to help!
Wishing you all the best,

Kadèr el Oufir